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Compressor Audits

Purchasing decisions should be based on data rather than guesswork. Goscor Compressed Air Systems has the ability to assess customers’ compressed air needs via professional air audits, using the most up-to-date equipment, thereby not only eliminating the guesswork but also ensuring air system efficiency, lowering operating costs and improving the bottom line.

What is a compressed air audit?

Compressed air audits are an effective way to identify your current energy use and assess your compressed air needs. As well as carrying out an audit of your compressed air system, you should also include regular checks for air leaks in your maintenance routines too.

Why should a compressed air audit be conducted?

Compressed air audits can help you to improve the efficiency of your system and save money on your energy bill. They can also identify potential problems with your system that could lead to costly repairs in the future.

How does an air audit work?

If you are thinking of carrying out a compressed air audit, there are a few things to bear in mind. Firstly, we gather some data about your current compressed air system, including energy consumption and operating pressures. You will also need to know the specifications of your compressor so that you can assess its performance.

Once we have gathered all of this information, Goscor Compressed Air proceeds to carry out an audit of your system. This will involve checking for air leaks, assessing the efficiency of your compressor, and looking at ways to improve the overall performance of your system.

The benefits of a compressed air audit

Carrying out a compressed air audit is a great way to save money on your energy bill and to improve the efficiency of your system. The following are some of the benefits of a compressor audit:

  • Lesser downtime on your compressors
  • Greater energy efficiency
  • Improved compressed air system reliability 
  • Less cost on unplanned maintenance expenses

If you need a compressor audit, don’t hesitate to contact us today!